Young Professionals

When your journey is just starting.

Are you looking for your purpose, for your calling? Do you long to make a
difference in the marketplace or even in the world? How can make an impact
and be successful in society? And how does spirituality fit in all of this?

We love people that have these kinds of questions and we know that at the start of the journey, the vision may still be blurred and the journey ahead may seem overwhelming or even frightening. You may see obstacles, dread the unknown and either fear to fail or run for safety. But something inside of you tells you that its worth treading the path in front of you. The good news is…

... you are not alone!

What we offer


Meet God, peers and yourself. Get challenged, inspired and encouraged by your peers.


Learn from the experienced. One on one with a mentor committing his/her time to you.


Search our database of Basics to grow in knowledge: Get inspired!

This is your community

On this journey, we believe it is helpful and maybe even indispensable to connect with likeminded peers from all over Europe. Maybe some of them are a little further down the road, maybe they are also just starting. But traveling together on this road, finding guidance, inspiration and knowledge, could in fact be one of the biggest assets! So, let’s connect. 

Virtual Small Groups

We meet on a monthly basis in small groups to share, grow and support each other. Submit your details and we will connect you with a group that suits you.

Connect with us!

As Europartners Young Professionals, we desire to support you in the best possible way, so that you can grow and thrive in your calling and make a difference in this world.

Linda and Oli Baumann (Switzerland)

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